How to go to the Jinchen Holiday Hotel or Shangjing Siji Hotel
The details of how to get to Jinchen Holiday Hotel are given below. As the two hotels mentioned above are close to each other, the details for Shangjing Siji Hotel are omitted.
1. From XuZhou Guanyin International Airport to Jinchen Holiday Hotel
(1) By Taxi
Jinchen Holiday Hotel is 45km far from Terminal 1, Guanyin International Airport. The maximum taxi fee is RMB 120. It takes around an hour.
(2) By Shuttle Bus
Airport Line No. 1 is exactly from Terminal 1, Guanyin International Airport, to Zhonghui Hotel. The bus ticket is 20 RMB, and it takes around an hour. Please see Fig. 1.
Fig. 1
2. From XuZhou East Railway Station to Jinchen Holiday Hotel
(1) By Taxi
Jinchen Holiday Hotel is 18.4km far from East Railway Station. The maximum taxi fee is RMB 50. It takes around half an hour.
(2) By Bus
No.72 bus is exactly from East Railway Station, to Jinchen Holiday Hotel(bus station named FengHua Yuan). The bus ticket is 2.00 RMB, and it takes around an hour. Please see Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
3. From Xuzhou Railway Station to JinChen Holiday Hotel
(1) By Taxi
Jinchen Holiday Hotel is 8km far from XuZhou Railway Station. The maximum taxi fee is RMB 20. It takes around half an hour.
(2) By Bus
No.11 additional bus is exactly from XuZhou Railway Station, to Jinchen Holiday Hotel (bus station named FengHua Yuan). The bus ticket is 2.00 RMB, and it takes around an hour. Please see Fig. 3.
Fig. 3